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The Breast Cancer trials (BCT) Board of Directors established the Consumer Advisory Panel (CAP) in 1998 because it recognised the value and importance of consumer input to the planning and conduct of clinical trials research. Today, CAP has seven members from Australia and New Zealand who are committed to the BCT research program and its potential to benefit all women diagnosed with breast cancer, and those at risk. The CAP is chaired by Ms Leslie Gilham.
The input and insights provided by CAP members, some of whom have participated in one of our clinical trials, are integral to the research program of BCT. CAP members are members of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and its subcommittees helping ensure a consumer perspective is provided from the very early planning stage of clinical trials developed by BCT.
All protocols and relevant research documents, particularly patient information, and consent forms, are reviewed by CAP members who are also staunch lobbyists for Quality-of-Life assessments in appropriate clinical trials. Communication is open between CAP members and researchers resulting in improved patient materials providing more clarity and understanding for potential new clinical trial participants.