Fundraise for Breast Cancer Trials Research

Breast Cancer Trials is a unique collaboration between researchers, clinical trial participants and supporters. Together, we are committed to helping every person affected by breast cancer so that they can get on with living and loving their lives.

Holding your very own breast cancer fundraiser is a great way to show your support for all those affected by breast cancer.

You may already have an idea in mind for your special event, or the below suggestions might inspire you.

  • Fashion parade
  • Pamper party
  • Formal dinner
  • Special ‘pink’ event at your sporting club
  • Sausage sizzle
  • Movie night with your friends
  • Bake sale at your school or workplace

What’s involved

It’s easy to hold your very own breast cancer fundraising event. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Please read our Fundraising FAQ’s and Fundraising Guidelines.
  2. Complete our online form to register your fundraising event. We’ll review your application within 1-2 working days and let you know when it is approved.
  3. When your application is approved, we’ll send you an Authority to Fundraise letter along with any requested promotional materials. We also encourage you to download the free online resources.
  4. Invite your friends, family and colleagues to attend your fundraising event.
  5. Have fun and don’t forget to send us your photos!
  6. Submit your donation and be proud that you’ve supported women affected by breast cancer by funding life-changing breast cancer trials research.

Register Your Breast Cancer Fundraiser Today

Register your breast cancer fundraiser event today and together let’s stop breast cancer threatening the lives, hopes and dreams of all those affected by breast cancer.


To learn more about hosting a breast cancer  function please contact us on:


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Fundraising & Event Handbook

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Promotional Posters

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Event Invitations

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Donation Form



strength in science – elissa’s participation in the optima clinical trial
the importance of supporting clinical trials research