

Skin changes are a breast cancer symptom that can be an early warning sign. Learn what to look for, what causes skin changes, and when to seek help from an expert.

Skin Changes: A Breast Cancer Symptom

Breast cancer can cause visible skin changes due to the underlying tumour affecting the skin, blood vessels and the lymphatic system. It’s important to recognise unusual skin changes and discuss any concerns you may have with your GP.

Common types of breast cancer skin changes

Skin changes that may indicate breast cancer can include: 

  • redness, 
  • dimpling, 
  • thickening of the skin on the breast or underarm, 
  • ulceration, 
  • scaliness, 
  • persistent itching, 
  • nipple retraction, darkening or discoloration, and the 
  • development ofinflammation, open sores or non-healing wounds.

Changes to skin texture in breast cancer

Some of the following skin changes on breast cancer can occur:

  • Skin ulceration and open sores: Advanced breast cancer can invade the skin, causing ulcers or open wounds that may not heal. This is commonly known as a ‘Fungating Breast Tumour. This type of tumour emerges when the cancerous mass breaks through the skin, resulting in the formation of a wound and can lead to bleeding, oozing, or infection.
  • Nipple and areola changes: Cancer can cause the nipple to flatten, retract, or become inverted. Skin around the nipple may become scaly, flaky, or develop a rash, which could indicate Paget’s disease of the breast, a rare type of breast cancer.
  • Skin discoloration: The breast skin may turn red, purplish, or darker due to cancer-related inflammation or blood vessel damage.
  • Firm, raised lumps under the skin: Cancer can form hard, immobile lumps under the skin, sometimes causing an uneven or bumpy surface. Some describe this bumpy surface like orange peel skin on the breast.
  • Itching or burning: Some breast cancers, especially inflammatory breast cancer, can cause persistent itching or irritation similar to an infection, but does not improve with antibiotics.

Examples of breast cancer skin changes

It’s important to see your doctor if you notice any of the below skin changes or breast cancer symptoms:

  • discharge from the nipple, 
  • growth of the veins,
  • pulling on puckering of the skin under the tumor,
  • redness, hot skin, swelling,
  • a recess,
  • resizing of the breast or obvious asymmetry,
  • thinning of the breast skin,
  • retraction of the skin on the chest,
  • destruction of the skin.

breast cancer skin changes pictures. it's important to see your doctor if you notice any changes to the skin on or around your breast.

Additional breast cancer symptoms accompanying skin changes

In addition to skin changes, breast cancer symptoms can include:

  • breast pain, 
  • nipple discharge, 
  • a deep or hard lump, 
  • changes in breast size or shape, 
  • a feeling of heaviness or tightness, 
  • fatigue, 
  • unexplained weight loss, and 
  • bone pain.

Holistic symptom awareness for breast cancer involves understanding the physical, emotional and lifestyle-related changes that might indicate underlying issues. This includes:

  • Body Awareness: Understanding what is ‘normal’ for you in terms of breast shape, size, and how it might fluctuate over time. Also noticing any tenderness, changes in colour or irregular lumps.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Noticing persistent fatigue, stress, or emotional shifts that may signal underlying health concerns.
  • Pain and Sensation Tracking: Paying attention to subtle, persistent discomfort, deep aches, or unexplained heaviness in the breast or body.
  • Energy and Well-Being Monitoring: Recognising unexplained weight loss, decreased energy levels, or prolonged feelings of imbalance.
  • Lymphatic and Circulatory Awareness: Being mindful of swelling in the armpits, neck, or breasts, which could indicate lymph node involvement.
  • Intuitive Health Checks: Trusting gut instincts when something feels “off” and seeking medical attention even in the absence of obvious symptoms.

Monitoring and understanding breast cancer skin changes

Skin changes, such as redness, dimpling, thickening, or ulceration, can be early warning signs of breast cancer. These symptoms may indicate underlying tumour growth or lymphatic blockage, requiring prompt medical attention.

Breast cancer symptoms may also include lumps, nipple discharge, persistent pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue. Being aware of subtle changes in the body and discussing these with your GP is essential for early detection.Regular clinical check-ups and mammograms increase the chances of detecting breast cancer early, when it’s most treatable.

Understand your personal breast cancer risk

Using risk assessment tools, like our free iPrevent online tool, can help you understand your personal risk and take preventive action.

About Breast Cancer Trials

Breast Cancer Trials is a world-leading research organisation dedicated to advancing breast cancer treatments through groundbreaking clinical trials, ensuring the most accurate and up-to-date information on skin changes and other breast cancer symptoms. 

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