Breast Cancer Trials and Hunter Cancer Biobank partnership begins
Breast Cancer Trials is pleased to announce our new partnership with Hunter Cancer Biobank.
This new partnership will ensure Breast Cancer Trials clinically annotated biospecimens (serum, slides, blocks, frozen tissue) will be stored for future use by translational researchers. All samples are collected with full consent from patients participating in our clinical trials.
This new partnership means some research specimens from Breast Cancer Trials led clinical trials, such as EXPERT, CHARIOT and DIAmOND, will be handled, processed and stored together in a central facility, which helps to ensure the highest quality research is facilitated worldwide.
As the Breast Cancer Trials Biobanking partner Hunter Cancer Biobank will be responsible for:
- Developing protocols and processes to ensure that samples are processed and stored in ways that gives them the best possible value for important biological research.
- Receipting, processing, cataloguing and storing solid tissue samples, blood samples and tissue slides
- Careful handling and distribution of samples for analysis by leading researchers at other centers
- Pathologist reporting on molecular markers and general histology
The Hunter Cancer Biobank has a long history of collaboration with Breast Cancer Trials, providing support and services for a number of their key trials and research programs.
As Breast Cancer Trials has been operating in Newcastle for around 40 years, we are proud to strengthen our ties to the region with this new partnership.
Our life-saving breast cancer research is only possible thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters.
Please help continue this vital work by making a donation today.
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