

A year in review of our learnings, achievements, and where we are headed in our sustainability journey.

Our Sustainability Journey

We can all play a part in sustainability and creating a better world. While the primary focus for Breast Cancer Trials is to save lives from breast cancer through clinical trials research, we are committed to conducting all of our activities in a way that considers our environmental, social and community impact.

Our implementation of processes and practices that support a sustainable business, not only reflects our modern organisation today but it also considers our legacy for future generations. We embrace the opportunity to be innovative and re-imagine our business framework, so that we can make a positive impact.

Our 2022-2023 Footprint

Our 2023 Carbon Management Report is based on our footprint for the period from 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023, which is our first carbon footprint assessment.

100% of our footprint is from Scope 3 emissions, meaning we’ll need to engage with our suppliers and employees to reduce our emissions. The assessment found:

text: 100% of our office electricity was sourced from green power.

text: 100% of our air travel was carbon neutral.

text: 30% of our commuting staff have low emission commutes.

text: 40.7% of our waste is recycled.

text and graph: total footprint 709.6t between 2022 and 2023. intensity of 11.6t co2 per employee.

Our Path to Reducing Emissions


Our first step as a business was to measure our CO2 baseline, which lays the foundations to understand our footprint and identify the best areas to make reductions. We also switched to 100% carbon neutral energy in 2020.

In Progress

Our current focus is on engaging our staff to reduce their work from home and commute emissions, whilst also tracking our year-on-year carbon footprint.

Up Next

In 2024-25 we plan to kick-off key initiatives that are targeted at reducing our community and business travel emissions, as well as engaging with suppliers to reduce supply chain emissions. These include:

  • Conducting a supplier audit
  • Developing a sustainable travel policy
  • Developing a BCT sustainability policy
  • Implementing a sustainable supplier policy

Our People

We believe our staff are an integral part of our de-carbonisation plan, and work hard to engage our staff on the journey as well as supporting them to take action to reduce carbon emissions. The assessment found:

text: 84% of our employees engaged in our climate program in our first year, including measuring their c02 footprint.   text: 30% of our staff use renewable or carbon neutral energy. 83% of our staff find it important for us to take climate action.

Compensating for Our Emissions

We believe emissions reductions are the most important step to take towards a Net Zero future.

While we work on these, we’ve purchased offsets as part of our transition towards Net Zero including 710 tonnes of CO2 offset and 4,047 trees planted in addition to offsets.

We’ve also supported 6 emission reduction projects including: